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Girls with animals prints

It´s been a while that I uploaded something, but I was quite busy the last days.

Today I found some time and here is the result. :) Some cute prints.
I made them on a big mesh, but if you think that they would look better on smaller meshed let me know. ^^

The set contains a total of 8 prints:

Download them as Sims3packge file

Credits: Thelittlefox for the prints


Start in a new month

Today is the first day of a new month. March means for me that the winter is over and spring knocks at our doors.
I never hear the birds´ song that consciously than at this time of the year. After the winters silence the joyful sounds are back.

Some vintage bird paintings for you guys.

I hope you like them.

Grab the birdies here


Mesh by Macthekat
Prints: High Street Vintage
